Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Artist: Ursus Wehrli

These are photos taken from a book I found on Ursus Wehrli, which I found fascinating. It's called 'The art of clean up'. The artist sets out to take every day situations and clean them up/order them. A point he makes through this is that some things just aren't meant to be ordered.

Some photos make a statement, some are just humorous and witty, yet every set is thought provoking and visually interesting. I like that the photos can be interpreted in a range of ways depending on the viewer and their perspective.
This work has inspired me to want to create some of my own 'clean up' photos. I aim to take every day objects and order them to explore the effects this can have. I will record them in my sketchbook (by 7/1/14).

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