Friday, 31 January 2014

The making of the final piece

For my final piece i decided i was going to create a before and after desk scene; the before being a regular ordered desk, and the after being a desk full of melted contents that had endured the chaos of a blowtorch.

 If I were to do this again I would have placed a burnt sketchbook into the melted scene for a greater juxtaposition. However I like how the desk and sketchbook remain untouched, as this adds a sense of confusion to the scene. It provokes questions such as 'When/how did this chaos occur?' and 'Why have only the objects been subjected to the chaos?'
It also makes me wonder whether the outcome should be considered chaotic or ordered? The contents have endured chaos, yet have been placed back into their ordered scene where they exist in a still yet enigmatic state.

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