Friday, 17 January 2014

Cup melting

After my previous plate smashing experiment I found the technique would not be successful and so I needed to think of a new idea. After mind mapping ideas that came from my experiments this led to me wanting to experiment with melting office/classroom equipment. I had previously ordered this theme of equipment for my Ursus Wehrli styled photos, and offices can be considered quite ordered places as they need to be ordered to function effectively. I felt that by manipulating office equipment this would create chaos within this environment. Melting the equipment seemed a very intriguing idea to me and so I decided to explore this.
I started simply with just a plastic cup (video yet to be added). I then developed this idea by exploring how different amounts of time under the blowtorch would effect the cup.

There was quite a big change in the appearance of the cup between each time frame, and so I feel reducing the time between each photo would have been more successful as it would have shown a more detailed, gradual change.
This led me on to videoing a cup being melted as this shows the process more clearly.

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