Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Observational drawings

This is one of my observational drawings (shown at 2 stages) that i felt was successful. I sat at my living room window and recorded every person that walked past my house within an hour. I found it interesting to see how the weather conditions changed within this time and how that effected the appearance, stance, speed, etc. of the people walking past. I tried to capture this within the drawing, which forced me to descriptively draw at a fast pace, and sometimes use my memory to record important features.I recorded each person at the place they had caught my eye or stood out the most.
However as i live almost opposite a school i feel this would have worked better if i had started drawing at the beginning or end of the school day, as there would be much more information the capture at a much faster pace, which may have created an interesting and different result.
I chose to use blue biro as it gives a blue-print style appearance to the drawing, as if it is a sketched out plan of the roads happenings.
I particularly like how the memory of each person has created a chaotic drawing consisting of so many different lives and individual stories. I feel there is a lot of hidden depth within such a simple portrayal of this every day life, that we cant even begin to imagine.

Part way through...

Finished drawing... 

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