Tuesday 14 January 2014

Plate smashing

Developing my previous ideas i decided to create chaos by smashing a plate, and then creating order once again by creating a new object.

I put the plate into a tied up plastic bag and then threw it out my backdoor, as i felt breaking it myself would give the process a sense of order, whereas throwing the plate would allow the concrete ground to randomly and chaotically break the plate into small fragments. 

This is the process of making something new. I decided to keep to the ceramics theme and make a mug/cup. I tried many different adhesives however struggled to find something that would be neat yet strong. The 2 that worked best were the hot glue gun and super glue. The above example was made using the hot glue gun, which i found to be messy and weak.

This piece was stuck together using super glue. This was a much neater method however the glue took a long time to dry and didn't create a strong enough bond, leaving the outcome very fragile (much like the previous one).

I feel the outcomes were unsuccessful. The process of fitting and gluing together the fragments was very time consuming, and i found hard to fit the fragments together neatly and effectively. This created a much messier look than i intended, which could now be considered chaotic. It was also difficult to create something that looked like a certain object and not just smashed pieces of plate glued together.
The positive point that comes from these outcomes is they spark the debate of whether they are ordered because of the way they were put together, or chaotic because of the smashed pieces and messy appearance.

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