Thursday 9 January 2014

Ordered Paper Clips

Once again, i have stuck to a colourful subject matter as this was found to be successful.
I have taken something that is nearly always chaotic to show a broader transition from chaos to order.
Paper clips are also associated with an office, where organization and order is very important.

I have picked out the two most successful photos, which show a slightly differing arrangements. Although these photos aren't as engaging as the chalk photo, i feel they are still open to interpretation and could make statements about subjects such as office life, depending on how the photos are perceived. Like the chalk photo they also show the popularity of each colour in a graph like format (particularly the photo on the right).
If i am to take more photos in this style i feel i need to chose a more complicated subject matter that will be more visually interesting and thought provoking. I will need to set a side enough time to do this, and plan the time i spend on it carefully to ensure i stick to my aims of each week.

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