This is the stop frame film I created to record the process of melting an object, instead of just showing the before and after.
One of the contact sheets...
I feel this has been a successful experiment and outcome. The photos/video effectively show each stage of the melting process to enable the viewer to see exactly what is happening. The video and series of photos both portray this in a slightly different way which is why I chose to present each of them. The video, paired with the music makes the series of photos more engaging and allows the viewer to see the process happening at different speeds, but without being too fast like a normal video would be. They can also revisit the bits they missed to fully explore the process.
The photos show the process in a more ordered way which contrasts the chaos of what is actually happening (the bottle being melted). I decided to present the photos as contact sheet as I found this method effective when presenting my melted cup photos.
The contact sheets give a scientific look to the experiment making it look clean, clear, and professional.
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