Thursday, 9 January 2014

Experiment: Chaos and Order with paint

I decided to explore how i could create chaos and order with paint. Whilst safely in its container paint is nice and ordered, however once unleashed it can cause all sorts of chaos. I set up a small scenario of paint being splattered over a sheet of paper as messes like this can often happen accidentally, transforming the paint from ordered to chaotic. I then gave myself 2 (chaotic) minutes to use only a sharpened stick to create something out of this chaos. I linked my outcome with the subject matter that was initially causing the chaos as i felt this would make it a smoother journey with more of a theme to it.

After the two minutes i reflected upon the outcome, which begged the question: Have i created more chaos with this painting, or should the painting be considered ordered as its subject was planned?

In my opinion the outcome can be viewed from both perspectives, it is a quick, chaotic, expressive painting, however what i intended to paint was planned and so my intentions were quite ordered.
This also made me wonder whether sometimes we can fix chaos with a different form of chaos, such as a more beautiful, planned, and less destructive form of it. But then if its planned, should it be considered chaotic?

Here is my next experiment. This time i decided to use different colours to create something that was unrelated to the paint to explore the effect this would have. I once again gave myself 2 minutes. I looked at the way the paint had fallen onto the page and tried to interpret it and create an image from it. The way the colours were set out made me imagine a sunset and so this is the direction i took the painting in. 
I feel this has been successful as it creates the same questions as before, however with a sense of mystery this time. There is no obvious reason why i have created a sunset apart from the initial layout of the colours, and so this provokes the viewer to think about the painting and allows them to make their own personal links and have their own individual views.

Next i experimented with using ink, as this is another easily splashed and spilled material that causes a lot of chaos. I set myself the same challenge, however i found that the ink stayed on the stick more and so the result was very much like drawing with ink normally. To keep it simple i stuck to the theme again. I feel this is less effective than the previous experiments as the outcome inst as visually interesting or thought provoking, it just looks as if i have drawn something with ink and splashed the ink about a bit.

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