Friday, 31 January 2014

Photos from my final piece

I found the individual objects within my office scene very intriguing and so decided to photograph them individually, capturing the remnant chaos left by the blowtorch.

I feel the photos within these first two pages were most successful as they most effectively capture the chaos they endured through their burnt out appearance and texture. I also like the contrast between the remaining bright colours and the blackened and burnt browns and shades of black. This shows a small part of the initial order through the chaos that remains, maybe making the statement that there is always a small amount of remaining order within chaos, or that beauty can still shine through chaos.

The objects come from a typically ordered place, where they are used to create order (e.g. a ruler makes straight lines and measures things, therefore giving order to the work). The items are also used in professions that are considered ordered such as architecture and bussiness, adding to the  order they represent. Through the chaotic process of melting the objects I have destroyed this order; I have removed the purpose of the items preventing them from bringing order into peoples lives; I have altered their properties; and transormed their initial appearance giving them a more interesting, engaging, and eye catching aesthetic.

 I feel that as photos these were less successful than the ones above however as 3d objects they are very intriguing and visually interesting. They are better being explored on a three dimensional level as the photos don't quite capture the texture and forms of the objects.

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